Moeders van dubbelbloed kinderen

Interviews & portretten


Een website vol met (academische) stukken, onderzoek en specifieke informatie. Wel echt gebaseerd op Amerika.

” Mixed Race Studies (www.MixedRaceStudies.org) is a non-commercial website created by Steven F. Riley that provides a gateway to interdisciplinary (sociology, psychology, history, law, anthropology, etc.) English language scholarship about the relevant issues surrounding the topic of multiracialism.  This site has been called by a preeminent scholar, “the most comprehensive and objective clearinghouse for scholarly publications related to critical mixed-race theory.”

The goals of the site are to:

  • Provide visitors with links to books, articles, dissertations, multimedia and any other resources to enable them to further their (and my) knowledge on the topic.
  • Remind visitors that so-called “racial mixing” has been occurring in the Americas for over five centuries and in fact, all of the founding nations of the Americas were mixed-race societies at their inception.
  • Ultimately support a vision of the irrelevance of race. “






LovingDay.NL is een werkgroep die, geïnspireerd door het Amerikaanse initiatief, een platform wil zijn voor onderzoekers en andere geïnteresseerden in gemengde relaties en gezinnen in Nederland. De doelen zijn een website en een jaarlijks terugkerend evenement over de vele aspecten van gemengde relaties en gezinnen op 12 juni, Loving Day, voor een academisch en algemeen publiek.

Does anybody else look like me?

Dit boek is geschreven door een Amerikaanse, dus ook vanuit de Amerikaanse beleving geschreven. Echter wel veel overlappende thema’s. Een persoonlijk verhaal van een moeder. Onderbouwd vanuit academische kennis en  interviews met ouders en kinderen.



A psychologically wise guide to helping multiracial children of all ages develop confidence and a healthy understanding of their uniqueness.

“Am I black or white or am I American?” “Why don’t my eyes look like yours?” “Why do people always call attention to my ‘different’ hair?” Helping a child understand his mixed racial background can be daunting, especially when, whether out of honest appreciation or mean-spiritedness, peers and strangers alike perceive their features to be “other.” Drawing on psychological research and input from over fifty multiracial families, Does Anybody Else Look Like Me? addresses the special questions and concerns facing these families, explaining how we can best prepare multiracial children of all ages to make their way confidently in our color-conscious world. From the books and toys to use in play with young children, to advice on guiding older children toward an unflappable sense of self, Does Anybody Else Look Like Me? is the first book to outline for parents how, exactly, to deflect the objectifying attention multiracial children receive. Full of powerful stories and counsel, it is sure to become the book adoptive and birth parents of different races alike will look to for understanding as they strive to raise their children in a changing world.